Mystery Shopping visit types include…
Customer Experience Feedback Services for your Business
Phone Enquiries
Website Enquiries
Show Arounds
Our Regional Director strategy enables us to recruit and develop highly trained regional mystery shopper teams.
To ensure we deliver the highest quality feedback in the industry we…
- “Hand pick” all of our mystery shoppers through a comprehensive induction process
- Individually train each team member to reach our high standards
- Have a quality control team to check every report to ensure it complies with our high standards
- Give feedback to the mystery shopping team member on each and every assignment to help them continually improve
What a mystery shopper says...
“I have worked for many mystery shopping companies and I am amazed at the lengths your team go to to ensure that we (the mystery shoppers) are so well trained and equipped to do the job. If I want to speak to someone I can!”
What our clients say...
“We have been working with insight6 for over four years and their Mystery Shopping has had a positive effect on our business.
The Mystery Shopping techniques have strengthened and developed our team across all different departments of our business.”
Michael Graham
Cleaver Fulton and Rankin
What is our commitment to you?
- Tailored programme for your business
- Feedback within 4 days
- Access to our customer portal
- 100% guarantee
Client Portal...
supplies/provides detailed performance analysis, so you can monitor how your customer experience is performing over time enabling visibility of trends, so you can focus your time on fixing the right areas of your business. All of this information can be viewed on our online portal, at anytime on any device.

A little more detail....
Walk-In Customer Experience - CX
Walk in mystery shopping in Belfast is one of the most traditional and effective methods for gathering feed-back on your guests’ experience. Through the use of mystery shoppers, you can gain in-valuable insights into how your customers feel about doing business with your company as well as their overall level of satisfaction of the customer service they receive from your employees, and how likely they are to do business with you in the future.
Unlike customer surveys, you can direct the shoppers on where they should visit, what items they should buy, how they should behave, what questions they should ask and what items they should inquire about.
As a portion of our shopper preparation for each assignment, we provide the mystery shoppers with what the guest satisfaction experience should look like in an ideal situation based on your non-negotiable standards for service so the actual experience can be measured against those standards.
Additionally, we can require the shoppers to take photos of specific items, receipts or signage so you can see the actual conditions during their visit rather than just reading about them. This feature allows you to validate the information and provide visual feedback to your employees.
Like all other services, insight6 will work with you to custom design a program around your specific needs and unique standards for doing business to ensure the information you receive back is accurate, reflective, and useful for making changes and implementing training.
Telephone Customer Experience Feedback
One of the key elements that many businesses are failing in is the level of service and sales that are given over the phone. Many times, a potential customer will call before making a visit to the business to ask a few questions to determine if they are going to take the time to go to “Your store or your competitor’s store”. How they are served during that call will make the difference in their decision as to which store to go to for their needs.
If the person answering the phone is friendly, professional, knowledgeable and welcoming, the potential customer is more likely to come in than if they receive either poor service or conclude their call without receiving all the information they called about.
With this in mind, it is vital to the sales and growth of a company to be aware of the impact the person answering the phone has on their business as a potential customer’s first impression often begins on the telephone, rather than when they walk in the door. Therefore, it is important to know how the calls are being handled, and to train the staff to treat each customer calling their business as if they were standing in front of them, rather than just another annoying call.
As one of our services, we offer telephone “Mystery Shopping” to help our customers determine the level of telephone service that is currently being offered. The approach is the same as that of a walk in Mystery Shop. We first determine what our clients’ expectations are for the team members answering the phone, and then look for opportunities to help them improve those expectations by creating an audit form to capture the actual customer experience.
After all the calls have been completed, we create a graphical report to outline all the findings. This information will help the clients to gain an even better understanding of all the areas they are excelling in as well as areas of deficiency. And by monitoring these service levels on a consistent basis, the client is able to coach their staff to bring up low scores as well as reward them for the times that they are found providing excellent service.
One our unique tools allows us to record the phone calls and facilitate them on the customer dashboard.
Check out your competitors
In addition to mystery shopping your own business products, insight6 can also conduct competitive mystery shops.
There are typically several reasons companies chose to do competitive mystery shops. This ranges from understanding how their services and products compare to that of their competitors, what their competitors have to say about them when they know they are in a direct competitive bid, or how their prices compare for similar items.
Most commonly, companies are interested in learning how their services and/or products compare to their direct competitors., allowing them to better understand how their services , products , and pricing is perceived and/or compares that of their competition.
For this approach we recommend shopping your competitors utilising the exact same criteria and forms as you use for shopping your own locations. This allows you to have a side-by-side comparison of how each area of service compares to your competitors.
When conducting these types of mystery shops we generally recommend that the shoppers are not made aware they are doing a competitive study, but rather just shopping another client of insight6. By taking this approach, you eliminate any potential bias that may exist with the shoppers knowing who the client is.
When the data comes in, you can then analyse the data and compare each area of service /product/pricing to determine what opportunities may exist for improvements or changes, as well as what some of the best practices are of your competitors so you can take advantage of these practices and improve your own services.
Whatever your reasons, insight6 will work with you to customise an application to ensure you are receiving the information you need to make actionable decisions.
Don’t forget, you will not know how good your own offering is until you check the service provided by your competitors.
Online Customer Experience Reports
One of the key elements that many businesses are failing in is the level of service and information supplied by email. A potential customer could email before making a visit to the business to ask a few questions to determine if they are going to take the time to go to “You or your competitors premises”. How they are responded to during from the enquiry will make the difference in their decision as to which store to go to for their needs.
If the email reply is prompt, friendly, professional, knowledgeable and welcoming, the potential customer is more likely to use your services than if they receive either poor reply or even no reply at all.